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【雕爷学编程】Arduino动手做(60)---WS2812直条8位模块7 中等

头像 驴友花雕 2023.07.24 41 1



实验六十: 直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块


















 实验六十:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块
 项目三十三:NeoEase 动画缓动方法的使用;提供模拟加速动画



  实验六十一:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块
  项目三十三:NeoEase 动画缓动方法的使用;提供模拟加速动画

// NeoPixelCylon
// This example will move a Cylon Red Eye back and forth across the 
// the full collection of pixels on the strip.
// This will demonstrate the use of the NeoEase animation ease methods; that provide
// simulated acceleration to the animations.

#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>

const uint16_t PixelCount = 8; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint8_t PixelPin = 6;  // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const RgbColor CylonEyeColor(HtmlColor(0x7f0000));

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// for esp8266 omit the pin
//NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount);

NeoPixelAnimator animations(2); // only ever need 2 animations

uint16_t lastPixel = 0; // track the eye position
int8_t moveDir = 1; // track the direction of movement

// uncomment one of the lines below to see the effects of
// changing the ease function on the movement animation
AnimEaseFunction moveEase =
//      NeoEase::Linear;
//      NeoEase::QuadraticInOut;
//      NeoEase::CubicInOut;
//      NeoEase::QuinticInOut;
//      NeoEase::SinusoidalInOut;
//      NeoEase::ExponentialInOut;
//      NeoEase::CircularInOut;

void FadeAll(uint8_t darkenBy)
    RgbColor color;
    for (uint16_t indexPixel = 0; indexPixel < strip.PixelCount(); indexPixel++)
        color = strip.GetPixelColor(indexPixel);
        strip.SetPixelColor(indexPixel, color);

void FadeAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)

void MoveAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    // apply the movement animation curve
    float progress = moveEase(param.progress);

    // use the curved progress to calculate the pixel to effect
    uint16_t nextPixel;
    if (moveDir > 0)
        nextPixel = progress * PixelCount;
        nextPixel = (1.0f - progress) * PixelCount;

    // if progress moves fast enough, we may move more than
    // one pixel, so we update all between the calculated and
    // the last
    if (lastPixel != nextPixel)
        for (uint16_t i = lastPixel + moveDir; i != nextPixel; i += moveDir)
            strip.SetPixelColor(i, CylonEyeColor);
    strip.SetPixelColor(nextPixel, CylonEyeColor);

    lastPixel = nextPixel;

    if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)
        // reverse direction of movement
        moveDir *= -1;

        // done, time to restart this position tracking animation/timer

void SetupAnimations()
    // fade all pixels providing a tail that is longer the faster
    // the pixel moves.
    animations.StartAnimation(0, 5, FadeAnimUpdate);

    // take several seconds to move eye fron one side to the other
    animations.StartAnimation(1, 2000, MoveAnimUpdate);

void setup()


void loop()
    // this is all that is needed to keep it running
    // and avoiding using delay() is always a good thing for
    // any timing related routines

 实验六十:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块


  实验六十一:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块

#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>

const uint16_t PixelCount = 8; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint8_t PixelPin = 6;  // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const uint8_t AnimationChannels = 1; // we only need one as all the pixels are animated at once

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// For Esp8266, the Pin is omitted and it uses GPIO3 due to DMA hardware use.
// There are other Esp8266 alternative methods that provide more pin options, but also have
// other side effects.
// for details see wiki linked here https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus/wiki/ESP8266-NeoMethods

NeoPixelAnimator animations(AnimationChannels); // NeoPixel animation management object

boolean fadeToColor = true;  // general purpose variable used to store effect state

// what is stored for state is specific to the need, in this case, the colors.
// basically what ever you need inside the animation update function
struct MyAnimationState
  RgbColor StartingColor;
  RgbColor EndingColor;

// one entry per pixel to match the animation timing manager
MyAnimationState animationState[AnimationChannels];

void SetRandomSeed()
  uint32_t seed;

  // random works best with a seed that can use 31 bits
  // analogRead on a unconnected pin tends toward less than four bits
  seed = analogRead(0);

  for (int shifts = 3; shifts < 31; shifts += 3)
    seed ^= analogRead(0) << shifts;


// simple blend function
void BlendAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
  // this gets called for each animation on every time step
  // progress will start at 0.0 and end at 1.0
  // we use the blend function on the RgbColor to mix
  // color based on the progress given to us in the animation
  RgbColor updatedColor = RgbColor::LinearBlend(

  // apply the color to the strip
  for (uint16_t pixel = 0; pixel < PixelCount; pixel++)
    strip.SetPixelColor(pixel, updatedColor);

void FadeInFadeOutRinseRepeat(float luminance)
  if (fadeToColor)
    // Fade upto a random color
    // we use HslColor object as it allows us to easily pick a hue
    // with the same saturation and luminance so the colors picked
    // will have similiar overall brightness
    RgbColor target = HslColor(random(360) / 360.0f, 1.0f, luminance);
    uint16_t time = random(800, 2000);

    animationState[0].StartingColor = strip.GetPixelColor(0);
    animationState[0].EndingColor = target;

    animations.StartAnimation(0, time, BlendAnimUpdate);
    // fade to black
    uint16_t time = random(600, 700);

    animationState[0].StartingColor = strip.GetPixelColor(0);
    animationState[0].EndingColor = RgbColor(0);

    animations.StartAnimation(0, time, BlendAnimUpdate);

  // toggle to the next effect state
  fadeToColor = !fadeToColor;

void setup()


void loop()
  if (animations.IsAnimating())
    // the normal loop just needs these two to run the active animations
    // no animation runnning, start some
    FadeInFadeOutRinseRepeat(0.2f); // 0.0 = black, 0.25 is normal, 0.5 is bright

 实验六十:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块


  实验六十一:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块

// NeoPixelFunLoop
// This example will move a trail of light around a series of pixels.  
// A ring formation of pixels looks best.  
// The trail will have a slowly fading tail.
// This will demonstrate the use of the NeoPixelAnimator.
// It shows the advanced use an animation to control the modification and 
// starting of other animations.
// It also shows the normal use of animating colors.
// It also demonstrates the ability to share an animation channel rather than
// hard code them to pixels.

#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>

const uint16_t PixelCount = 8; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint16_t PixelPin = 6;  // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const uint16_t AnimCount = PixelCount / 5 * 2 + 1; // we only need enough animations for the tail and one extra

const uint16_t PixelFadeDuration = 300; // third of a second
// one second divide by the number of pixels = loop once a second
const uint16_t NextPixelMoveDuration = 1000 / PixelCount; // how fast we move through the pixels

NeoGamma<NeoGammaTableMethod> colorGamma; // for any fade animations, best to correct gamma

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// For Esp8266, the Pin is omitted and it uses GPIO3 due to DMA hardware use.  
// There are other Esp8266 alternative methods that provide more pin options, but also have
// other side effects.
// for details see wiki linked here https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus/wiki/ESP8266-NeoMethods 

// what is stored for state is specific to the need, in this case, the colors and
// the pixel to animate;
// basically what ever you need inside the animation update function
struct MyAnimationState
    RgbColor StartingColor;
    RgbColor EndingColor;
    uint16_t IndexPixel; // which pixel this animation is effecting

NeoPixelAnimator animations(AnimCount); // NeoPixel animation management object
MyAnimationState animationState[AnimCount];
uint16_t frontPixel = 0;  // the front of the loop
RgbColor frontColor;  // the color at the front of the loop

void SetRandomSeed()
    uint32_t seed;

    // random works best with a seed that can use 31 bits
    // analogRead on a unconnected pin tends toward less than four bits
    seed = analogRead(0);

    for (int shifts = 3; shifts < 31; shifts += 3)
        seed ^= analogRead(0) << shifts;

    // Serial.println(seed);

void FadeOutAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    // this gets called for each animation on every time step
    // progress will start at 0.0 and end at 1.0
    // we use the blend function on the RgbColor to mix
    // color based on the progress given to us in the animation
    RgbColor updatedColor = RgbColor::LinearBlend(
    // apply the color to the strip

void LoopAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    // wait for this animation to complete,
    // we are using it as a timer of sorts
    if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)
        // done, time to restart this position tracking animation/timer

        // pick the next pixel inline to start animating
        frontPixel = (frontPixel + 1) % PixelCount; // increment and wrap
        if (frontPixel == 0)
            // we looped, lets pick a new front color
            frontColor = HslColor(random(360) / 360.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f);

        uint16_t indexAnim;
        // do we have an animation available to use to animate the next front pixel?
        // if you see skipping, then either you are going to fast or need to increase
        // the number of animation channels
        if (animations.NextAvailableAnimation(&indexAnim, 1))
            animationState[indexAnim].StartingColor = frontColor;
            animationState[indexAnim].EndingColor = RgbColor(0, 0, 0);
            animationState[indexAnim].IndexPixel = frontPixel;

            animations.StartAnimation(indexAnim, PixelFadeDuration, FadeOutAnimUpdate);

void setup()


    // we use the index 0 animation to time how often we move to the next
    // pixel in the strip
    animations.StartAnimation(0, NextPixelMoveDuration, LoopAnimUpdate);

void loop()
    // this is all that is needed to keep it running
    // and avoiding using delay() is always a good thing for
    // any timing related routines

  实验六十:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块


  实验六十一:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块

#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>

const uint16_t PixelCount = 8; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint8_t PixelPin = 6;  // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// For Esp8266, the Pin is omitted and it uses GPIO3 due to DMA hardware use.  
// There are other Esp8266 alternative methods that provide more pin options, but also have
// other side effects.
// for details see wiki linked here https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus/wiki/ESP8266-NeoMethods 

NeoPixelAnimator animations(PixelCount); // NeoPixel animation management object

// what is stored for state is specific to the need, in this case, the colors.
// Basically what ever you need inside the animation update function
struct MyAnimationState
    RgbColor StartingColor;
    RgbColor EndingColor;

// one entry per pixel to match the animation timing manager
MyAnimationState animationState[PixelCount];

void SetRandomSeed()
    uint32_t seed;

    // random works best with a seed that can use 31 bits
    // analogRead on a unconnected pin tends toward less than four bits
    seed = analogRead(0);

    for (int shifts = 3; shifts < 31; shifts += 3)
        seed ^= analogRead(0) << shifts;

    // Serial.println(seed);

// simple blend function
void BlendAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    // this gets called for each animation on every time step
    // progress will start at 0.0 and end at 1.0
    // we use the blend function on the RgbColor to mix
    // color based on the progress given to us in the animation
    RgbColor updatedColor = RgbColor::LinearBlend(
    // apply the color to the strip
    strip.SetPixelColor(param.index, updatedColor);

void PickRandom(float luminance)
    // pick random count of pixels to animate
    uint16_t count = random(PixelCount);
    while (count > 0)
        // pick a random pixel
        uint16_t pixel = random(PixelCount);

        // pick random time and random color
        // we use HslColor object as it allows us to easily pick a color
        // with the same saturation and luminance 
        uint16_t time = random(100, 400);
        animationState[pixel].StartingColor = strip.GetPixelColor(pixel);
        animationState[pixel].EndingColor = HslColor(random(360) / 360.0f, 1.0f, luminance);

        animations.StartAnimation(pixel, time, BlendAnimUpdate);


void setup()


void loop()
    if (animations.IsAnimating())
        // the normal loop just needs these two to run the active animations
        // no animations runnning, start some 
        PickRandom(0.2f); // 0.0 = black, 0.25 is normal, 0.5 is bright

 实验六十:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块
 项目三十七:随机使用 31 位的种子效果淡入淡出动画



  实验六十一:直条8位 WS2812B 5050 RGB LED内置全彩驱动彩灯模块
  项目三十七:随机使用 31 位的种子效果淡入淡出动画

#include <NeoPixelBus.h>
#include <NeoPixelAnimator.h>

const uint16_t PixelCount = 8; // make sure to set this to the number of pixels in your strip
const uint16_t PixelPin = 6;  // make sure to set this to the correct pin, ignored for Esp8266
const uint16_t AnimCount = 1; // we only need one
const uint16_t TailLength = 6; // length of the tail, must be shorter than PixelCount
const float MaxLightness = 0.4f; // max lightness at the head of the tail (0.5f is full bright)

NeoGamma<NeoGammaTableMethod> colorGamma; // for any fade animations, best to correct gamma

NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount, PixelPin);
// for esp8266 omit the pin
//NeoPixelBus<NeoGrbFeature, Neo800KbpsMethod> strip(PixelCount);

NeoPixelAnimator animations(AnimCount); // NeoPixel animation management object

void SetRandomSeed()
    uint32_t seed;

    // random works best with a seed that can use 31 bits
    // analogRead on a unconnected pin tends toward less than four bits
    seed = analogRead(0);

    for (int shifts = 3; shifts < 31; shifts += 3)
        seed ^= analogRead(0) << shifts;

    // Serial.println(seed);

void LoopAnimUpdate(const AnimationParam& param)
    // wait for this animation to complete,
    // we are using it as a timer of sorts
    if (param.state == AnimationState_Completed)
        // done, time to restart this position tracking animation/timer

        // rotate the complete strip one pixel to the right on every update

void DrawTailPixels()
    // using Hsl as it makes it easy to pick from similiar saturated colors
    float hue = random(360) / 360.0f;
    for (uint16_t index = 0; index < strip.PixelCount() && index <= TailLength; index++)
        float lightness = index * MaxLightness / TailLength;
        RgbColor color = HslColor(hue, 1.0f, lightness);

        strip.SetPixelColor(index, colorGamma.Correct(color));

void setup()


    // Draw the tail that will be rotated through all the rest of the pixels

    // we use the index 0 animation to time how often we rotate all the pixels
    animations.StartAnimation(0, 66, LoopAnimUpdate); 

void loop()
    // this is all that is needed to keep it running
    // and avoiding using delay() is always a good thing for
    // any timing related routines





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