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【雕爷学编程】Arduino动手做(86)---4*4位 WS2812 全彩模块6 中等

头像 驴友花雕 2023.07.26 30 0



实验八十六:WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板模块





● 智能反接保护,电源反接不会损坏IC。

● IC控制电路与LED点光源公用一个电源。

● 控制电路与RGB芯片集成在一个5050封装的元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点。

● 内置信号整形电路,任何一个像素点收到信号后经过波形整形再输出,保证线路波形畸变不会累加。

● 内置上电复位和掉电复位电路。

● 每个像素点的三基色颜色可实现256级亮度显示,完成16777216种颜色的全真色彩显示,扫描频率不低于400Hz/s。

● 串行级联接口,能通过一根信号线完成数据的接收与解码。

● 任意两点传传输距离在不超过5米时无需增加任何电路。

● 当刷新速率30帧/秒时,级联数不小于1024点。

● 数据发送速度可达800Kbps。

● 光的颜色高度一致,性价比高。


WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板模块










 实验八十六: WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板
 Module    UNO
 VCC —— 3.3V
 DI  ——  D6


  实验八十九: WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板
  Module    UNO
  VCC —— 3.3V
  GND —— GND
  DI  ——  D6

#include "FastLED.h"

#define NUM_LEDS      16
#define LED_TYPE   WS2811
#define DATA_PIN        6
//#define CLK_PIN       4
#define VOLTS          12
#define MAX_MA       4000

//  TwinkleFOX: Twinkling 'holiday' lights that fade in and out.
//  Colors are chosen from a palette; a few palettes are provided.
//  This December 2015 implementation improves on the December 2014 version
//  in several ways:
//  - smoother fading, compatible with any colors and any palettes
//  - easier control of twinkle speed and twinkle density
//  - supports an optional 'background color'
//  - takes even less RAM: zero RAM overhead per pixel
//  - illustrates a couple of interesting techniques (uh oh...)
//  The idea behind this (new) implementation is that there's one
//  basic, repeating pattern that each pixel follows like a waveform:
//  The brightness rises from 0..255 and then falls back down to 0.
//  The brightness at any given point in time can be determined as
//  as a function of time, for example:
//    brightness = sine( time ); // a sine wave of brightness over time
//  So the way this implementation works is that every pixel follows
//  the exact same wave function over time.  In this particular case,
//  I chose a sawtooth triangle wave (triwave8) rather than a sine wave,
//  but the idea is the same: brightness = triwave8( time ).
//  Of course, if all the pixels used the exact same wave form, and
//  if they all used the exact same 'clock' for their 'time base', all
//  the pixels would brighten and dim at once -- which does not look
//  like twinkling at all.
//  So to achieve random-looking twinkling, each pixel is given a
//  slightly different 'clock' signal.  Some of the clocks run faster,
//  some run slower, and each 'clock' also has a random offset from zero.
//  The net result is that the 'clocks' for all the pixels are always out
//  of sync from each other, producing a nice random distribution
//  of twinkles.
//  The 'clock speed adjustment' and 'time offset' for each pixel
//  are generated randomly.  One (normal) approach to implementing that
//  would be to randomly generate the clock parameters for each pixel
//  at startup, and store them in some arrays.  However, that consumes
//  a great deal of precious RAM, and it turns out to be totally
//  unnessary!  If the random number generate is 'seeded' with the
//  same starting value every time, it will generate the same sequence
//  of values every time.  So the clock adjustment parameters for each
//  pixel are 'stored' in a pseudo-random number generator!  The PRNG
//  is reset, and then the first numbers out of it are the clock
//  adjustment parameters for the first pixel, the second numbers out
//  of it are the parameters for the second pixel, and so on.
//  In this way, we can 'store' a stable sequence of thousands of
//  random clock adjustment parameters in literally two bytes of RAM.
//  There's a little bit of fixed-point math involved in applying the
//  clock speed adjustments, which are expressed in eighths.  Each pixel's
//  clock speed ranges from 8/8ths of the system clock (i.e. 1x) to
//  23/8ths of the system clock (i.e. nearly 3x).
//  On a basic Arduino Uno or Leonardo, this code can twinkle 300+ pixels
//  smoothly at over 50 updates per seond.
//  -Mark Kriegsman, December 2015

CRGBArray<NUM_LEDS> leds;

// Overall twinkle speed.
// 0 (VERY slow) to 8 (VERY fast).
// 4, 5, and 6 are recommended, default is 4.

// Overall twinkle density.
// 0 (NONE lit) to 8 (ALL lit at once).
// Default is 5.

// How often to change color palettes.
// Also: toward the bottom of the file is an array
// called "ActivePaletteList" which controls which color
// palettes are used; you can add or remove color palettes
// from there freely.

// Background color for 'unlit' pixels
// Can be set to CRGB::Black if desired.
CRGB gBackgroundColor = CRGB::Black;
// Example of dim incandescent fairy light background color
// CRGB gBackgroundColor = CRGB(CRGB::FairyLight).nscale8_video(16);

// then for any palette where the first two entries
// are the same, a dimmed version of that color will
// automatically be used as the background color.

// If COOL_LIKE_INCANDESCENT is set to 1, colors will
// fade out slighted 'reddened', similar to how
// incandescent bulbs change color as they get dim down.

CRGBPalette16 gCurrentPalette;
CRGBPalette16 gTargetPalette;

void setup() {
  delay( 3000 ); //safety startup delay
  FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps( VOLTS, MAX_MA);

void loop()
    chooseNextColorPalette( gTargetPalette );

    nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 12);

  drawTwinkles( leds);


//  This function loops over each pixel, calculates the
//  adjusted 'clock' that this pixel should use, and calls
//  "CalculateOneTwinkle" on each pixel.  It then displays
//  either the twinkle color of the background color,
//  whichever is brighter.
void drawTwinkles( CRGBSet& L)
  // "PRNG16" is the pseudorandom number generator
  // It MUST be reset to the same starting value each time
  // this function is called, so that the sequence of 'random'
  // numbers that it generates is (paradoxically) stable.
  uint16_t PRNG16 = 11337;

  uint32_t clock32 = millis();

  // Set up the background color, "bg".
  // if AUTO_SELECT_BACKGROUND_COLOR == 1, and the first two colors of
  // the current palette are identical, then a deeply faded version of
  // that color is used for the background color
  CRGB bg;
       (gCurrentPalette[0] == gCurrentPalette[1] )) {
    bg = gCurrentPalette[0];
    uint8_t bglight = bg.getAverageLight();
    if ( bglight > 64) {
      bg.nscale8_video( 16); // very bright, so scale to 1/16th
    } else if ( bglight > 16) {
      bg.nscale8_video( 64); // not that bright, so scale to 1/4th
    } else {
      bg.nscale8_video( 86); // dim, scale to 1/3rd.
  } else {
    bg = gBackgroundColor; // just use the explicitly defined background color

  uint8_t backgroundBrightness = bg.getAverageLight();

  for ( CRGB& pixel : L) {
    PRNG16 = (uint16_t)(PRNG16 * 2053) + 1384; // next 'random' number
    uint16_t myclockoffset16 = PRNG16; // use that number as clock offset
    PRNG16 = (uint16_t)(PRNG16 * 2053) + 1384; // next 'random' number
    // use that number as clock speed adjustment factor (in 8ths, from 8/8ths to 23/8ths)
    uint8_t myspeedmultiplierQ5_3 =  ((((PRNG16 & 0xFF) >> 4) + (PRNG16 & 0x0F)) & 0x0F) + 0x08;
    uint32_t myclock30 = (uint32_t)((clock32 * myspeedmultiplierQ5_3) >> 3) + myclockoffset16;
    uint8_t  myunique8 = PRNG16 >> 8; // get 'salt' value for this pixel

    // We now have the adjusted 'clock' for this pixel, now we call
    // the function that computes what color the pixel should be based
    // on the "brightness = f( time )" idea.
    CRGB c = computeOneTwinkle( myclock30, myunique8);

    uint8_t cbright = c.getAverageLight();
    int16_t deltabright = cbright - backgroundBrightness;
    if ( deltabright >= 32 || (!bg)) {
      // If the new pixel is significantly brighter than the background color,
      // use the new color.
      pixel = c;
    } else if ( deltabright > 0 ) {
      // If the new pixel is just slightly brighter than the background color,
      // mix a blend of the new color and the background color
      pixel = blend( bg, c, deltabright * 8);
    } else {
      // if the new pixel is not at all brighter than the background color,
      // just use the background color.
      pixel = bg;

//  This function takes a time in pseudo-milliseconds,
//  figures out brightness = f( time ), and also hue = f( time )
//  The 'low digits' of the millisecond time are used as
//  input to the brightness wave function.
//  The 'high digits' are used to select a color, so that the color
//  does not change over the course of the fade-in, fade-out
//  of one cycle of the brightness wave function.
//  The 'high digits' are also used to determine whether this pixel
//  should light at all during this cycle, based on the TWINKLE_DENSITY.
CRGB computeOneTwinkle( uint32_t ms, uint8_t salt)
  uint16_t ticks = ms >> (8 - TWINKLE_SPEED);
  uint8_t fastcycle8 = ticks;
  uint16_t slowcycle16 = (ticks >> 8) + salt;
  slowcycle16 += sin8( slowcycle16);
  slowcycle16 =  (slowcycle16 * 2053) + 1384;
  uint8_t slowcycle8 = (slowcycle16 & 0xFF) + (slowcycle16 >> 8);

  uint8_t bright = 0;
  if ( ((slowcycle8 & 0x0E) / 2) < TWINKLE_DENSITY) {
    bright = attackDecayWave8( fastcycle8);

  uint8_t hue = slowcycle8 - salt;
  CRGB c;
  if ( bright > 0) {
    c = ColorFromPalette( gCurrentPalette, hue, bright, NOBLEND);
    if ( COOL_LIKE_INCANDESCENT == 1 ) {
      coolLikeIncandescent( c, fastcycle8);
  } else {
    c = CRGB::Black;
  return c;

// This function is like 'triwave8', which produces a
// symmetrical up-and-down triangle sawtooth waveform, except that this
// function produces a triangle wave with a faster attack and a slower decay:
//     / \ 
//    /     \ 
//   /         \ 
//  /             \ 

uint8_t attackDecayWave8( uint8_t i)
  if ( i < 86) {
    return i * 3;
  } else {
    i -= 86;
    return 255 - (i + (i / 2));

// This function takes a pixel, and if its in the 'fading down'
// part of the cycle, it adjusts the color a little bit like the
// way that incandescent bulbs fade toward 'red' as they dim.
void coolLikeIncandescent( CRGB& c, uint8_t phase)
  if ( phase < 128) return;

  uint8_t cooling = (phase - 128) >> 4;
  c.g = qsub8( c.g, cooling);
  c.b = qsub8( c.b, cooling * 2);

// A mostly red palette with green accents and white trim.
// "CRGB::Gray" is used as white to keep the brightness more uniform.
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 RedGreenWhite_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red,
  CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red,
  CRGB::Red, CRGB::Red, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray,
  CRGB::Green, CRGB::Green, CRGB::Green, CRGB::Green

// A mostly (dark) green palette with red berries.
#define Holly_Green 0x00580c
#define Holly_Red   0xB00402
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 Holly_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green,
  Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green,
  Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green,
  Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Green, Holly_Red

// A red and white striped palette
// "CRGB::Gray" is used as white to keep the brightness more uniform.
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 RedWhite_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,
  CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray,
  CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,  CRGB::Red,
  CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray

// A mostly blue palette with white accents.
// "CRGB::Gray" is used as white to keep the brightness more uniform.
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 BlueWhite_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue,
  CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue,
  CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Blue,
  CRGB::Blue, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray, CRGB::Gray

// A pure "fairy light" palette with some brightness variations
#define HALFFAIRY ((CRGB::FairyLight & 0xFEFEFE) / 2)
#define QUARTERFAIRY ((CRGB::FairyLight & 0xFCFCFC) / 4)
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 FairyLight_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight,
  HALFFAIRY,        HALFFAIRY,        CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight,
  QUARTERFAIRY,     QUARTERFAIRY,     CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight,
  CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight, CRGB::FairyLight

// A palette of soft snowflakes with the occasional bright one
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 Snow_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ 0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048,
  0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048,
  0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048,
  0x304048, 0x304048, 0x304048, 0xE0F0FF

// A palette reminiscent of large 'old-school' C9-size tree lights
// in the five classic colors: red, orange, green, blue, and white.
#define C9_Red    0xB80400
#define C9_Orange 0x902C02
#define C9_Green  0x046002
#define C9_Blue   0x070758
#define C9_White  0x606820
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 RetroC9_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ C9_Red,    C9_Orange, C9_Red,    C9_Orange,
  C9_Orange, C9_Red,    C9_Orange, C9_Red,
  C9_Green,  C9_Green,  C9_Green,  C9_Green,
  C9_Blue,   C9_Blue,   C9_Blue,

// A cold, icy pale blue palette
#define Ice_Blue1 0x0C1040
#define Ice_Blue2 0x182080
#define Ice_Blue3 0x5080C0
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 Ice_p FL_PROGMEM =
  Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1,
  Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1,
  Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1, Ice_Blue1,
  Ice_Blue2, Ice_Blue2, Ice_Blue2, Ice_Blue3

// Add or remove palette names from this list to control which color
// palettes are used, and in what order.
const TProgmemRGBPalette16* ActivePaletteList[] = {

// Advance to the next color palette in the list (above).
void chooseNextColorPalette( CRGBPalette16& pal)
  const uint8_t numberOfPalettes = sizeof(ActivePaletteList) / sizeof(ActivePaletteList[0]);
  static uint8_t whichPalette = -1;
  whichPalette = addmod8( whichPalette, 1, numberOfPalettes);

  pal = *(ActivePaletteList[whichPalette]);

 实验八十六: WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板
 项目二十六:二维 XY 像素矩阵闪烁灯
 Module    UNO
 VCC —— 3.3V
 DI  ——  D6


  实验八十九: WS2812B-4*4位 RGB LED 全彩驱动16位彩灯开发板
  项目二十六:二维 XY 像素矩阵闪烁灯
  Module    UNO
  VCC —— 3.3V
  GND —— GND
  DI  ——  D6

#include <FastLED.h>

#define LED_PIN  6

#define CHIPSET     WS2811

#define BRIGHTNESS 26

// Helper functions for an two-dimensional XY matrix of pixels.
// Simple 2-D demo code is included as well.
//     XY(x,y) takes x and y coordinates and returns an LED index number,
//             for use like this:  leds[ XY(x,y) ] == CRGB::Red;
//             No error checking is performed on the ranges of x and y.
//     XYsafe(x,y) takes x and y coordinates and returns an LED index number,
//             for use like this:  leds[ XYsafe(x,y) ] == CRGB::Red;
//             Error checking IS performed on the ranges of x and y, and an
//             index of "-1" is returned.  Special instructions below
//             explain how to use this without having to do your own error
//             checking every time you use this function.  
//             This is a slightly more advanced technique, and 
//             it REQUIRES SPECIAL ADDITIONAL setup, described below.

// Params for width and height
const uint8_t kMatrixWidth = 16;
const uint8_t kMatrixHeight = 16;

// Param for different pixel layouts
const bool    kMatrixSerpentineLayout = true;
const bool    kMatrixVertical = false;

// Set 'kMatrixSerpentineLayout' to false if your pixels are 
// laid out all running the same way, like this:
//     0 >  1 >  2 >  3 >  4
//                         |
//     .----<----<----<----'
//     |
//     5 >  6 >  7 >  8 >  9
//                         |
//     .----<----<----<----'
//     |
//    10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14
//                         |
//     .----<----<----<----'
//     |
//    15 > 16 > 17 > 18 > 19
// Set 'kMatrixSerpentineLayout' to true if your pixels are 
// laid out back-and-forth, like this:
//     0 >  1 >  2 >  3 >  4
//                         |
//                         |
//     9 <  8 <  7 <  6 <  5
//     |
//     |
//    10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14
//                        |
//                        |
//    19 < 18 < 17 < 16 < 15
// Bonus vocabulary word: anything that goes one way 
// in one row, and then backwards in the next row, and so on
// is call "boustrophedon", meaning "as the ox plows."

// This function will return the right 'led index number' for 
// a given set of X and Y coordinates on your matrix.  
// That's up to you.  Don't pass it bogus values.
// Use the "XY" function like this:
//    for( uint8_t x = 0; x < kMatrixWidth; x++) {
//      for( uint8_t y = 0; y < kMatrixHeight; y++) {
//        // Here's the x, y to 'led index' in action: 
//        leds[ XY( x, y) ] = CHSV( random8(), 255, 255);
//      }
//    }
uint16_t XY( uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
  uint16_t i;
  if( kMatrixSerpentineLayout == false) {
    if (kMatrixVertical == false) {
      i = (y * kMatrixWidth) + x;
    } else {
      i = kMatrixHeight * (kMatrixWidth - (x+1))+y;

  if( kMatrixSerpentineLayout == true) {
    if (kMatrixVertical == false) {
      if( y & 0x01) {
        // Odd rows run backwards
        uint8_t reverseX = (kMatrixWidth - 1) - x;
        i = (y * kMatrixWidth) + reverseX;
      } else {
        // Even rows run forwards
        i = (y * kMatrixWidth) + x;
    } else { // vertical positioning
      if ( x & 0x01) {
        i = kMatrixHeight * (kMatrixWidth - (x+1))+y;
      } else {
        i = kMatrixHeight * (kMatrixWidth - x) - (y+1);
  return i;

// Once you've gotten the basics working (AND NOT UNTIL THEN!)
// here's a helpful technique that can be tricky to set up, but 
// then helps you avoid the needs for sprinkling array-bound-checking
// throughout your code.
// It requires a careful attention to get it set up correctly, but
// can potentially make your code smaller and faster.
// Suppose you have an 8 x 5 matrix of 40 LEDs.  Normally, you'd
// delcare your leds array like this:
//    CRGB leds[40];
// But instead of that, declare an LED buffer with one extra pixel in
// it, "leds_plus_safety_pixel".  Then declare "leds" as a pointer to
// that array, but starting with the 2nd element (id=1) of that array: 
//    CRGB leds_with_safety_pixel[41];
//    CRGB* const leds( leds_plus_safety_pixel + 1);
// Then you use the "leds" array as you normally would.
// Now "leds[0..N]" are aliases for "leds_plus_safety_pixel[1..(N+1)]",
// AND leds[-1] is now a legitimate and safe alias for leds_plus_safety_pixel[0].
// leds_plus_safety_pixel[0] aka leds[-1] is now your "safety pixel".
// Now instead of using the XY function above, use the one below, "XYsafe".
// If the X and Y values are 'in bounds', this function will return an index
// into the visible led array, same as "XY" does.
// HOWEVER -- and this is the trick -- if the X or Y values
// are out of bounds, this function will return an index of -1.
// And since leds[-1] is actually just an alias for leds_plus_safety_pixel[0],
// it's a totally safe and legal place to access.  And since the 'safety pixel'
// falls 'outside' the visible part of the LED array, anything you write 
// there is hidden from view automatically.
// Thus, this line of code is totally safe, regardless of the actual size of
// your matrix:
//    leds[ XYsafe( random8(), random8() ) ] = CHSV( random8(), 255, 255);
// The only catch here is that while this makes it safe to read from and
// write to 'any pixel', there's really only ONE 'safety pixel'.  No matter
// what out-of-bounds coordinates you write to, you'll really be writing to
// that one safety pixel.  And if you try to READ from the safety pixel,
// you'll read whatever was written there last, reglardless of what coordinates
// were supplied.

#define NUM_LEDS (kMatrixWidth * kMatrixHeight)
CRGB leds_plus_safety_pixel[ NUM_LEDS + 1];
CRGB* const leds( leds_plus_safety_pixel + 1);

uint16_t XYsafe( uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
  if( x >= kMatrixWidth) return -1;
  if( y >= kMatrixHeight) return -1;
  return XY(x,y);

// Demo that USES "XY" follows code below

void loop()
    uint32_t ms = millis();
    int32_t yHueDelta32 = ((int32_t)cos16( ms * (27/1) ) * (350 / kMatrixWidth));
    int32_t xHueDelta32 = ((int32_t)cos16( ms * (39/1) ) * (310 / kMatrixHeight));
    DrawOneFrame( ms / 65536, yHueDelta32 / 32768, xHueDelta32 / 32768);
    if( ms < 5000 ) {
      FastLED.setBrightness( scale8( BRIGHTNESS, (ms * 256) / 5000));
    } else {

void DrawOneFrame( uint8_t startHue8, int8_t yHueDelta8, int8_t xHueDelta8)
  uint8_t lineStartHue = startHue8;
  for( uint8_t y = 0; y < kMatrixHeight; y++) {
    lineStartHue += yHueDelta8;
    uint8_t pixelHue = lineStartHue;      
    for( uint8_t x = 0; x < kMatrixWidth; x++) {
      pixelHue += xHueDelta8;
      leds[ XY(x, y)]  = CHSV( pixelHue, 255, 255);

void setup() {
  FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, LED_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050);
  FastLED.setBrightness( BRIGHTNESS );








#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define MIC A0 // 麦克风与A0相连接
#define LED_PIN 6 // LED are connected to D6
#define N_PIXELS 16 // Number of LED 
#define N 100 //样本数 
#define fadeDelay 10 // 淡出量
#define noiseLevel 40 // 降噪下限

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(N_PIXELS, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

int samples[N]; // 存储样本
int periodFactor = 0; // 用于周期计算
int t1 = -1;
int T;
int slope;
byte periodChanged = 0;

void setup() {
  // Serial.begin(9600);

void loop() {

void Samples() {
  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    samples[i] = analogRead(0);
    if (i > 0) {
      slope = samples[i] - samples[i - 1];
    else {
      slope = samples[i] - samples[N - 1];

    if (abs(slope) > noiseLevel) {
      if (slope < 0) {
        if (periodChanged == 1) {
    else {
    periodFactor += 1;

void calculatePeriod(int i) {
  if (t1 == -1) {

    t1 = i;
  else {

    int period = periodFactor * (i - t1);
    periodChanged = T == period ? 0 : 1;
    T = period;
    // Serial.println(T);

    t1 = i;
    periodFactor = 0;

uint32_t getColor(int period) {
  if (period == -1)
    return Wheel(0);
  else if (period > 400)
    return Wheel(5);
    return Wheel(map(-1 * period, -400, -1, 50, 255));

void fadeOut()
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    strip.setBrightness(110 - i * 20);
    strip.show(); // Update strip
    periodFactor += fadeDelay;

void fadeIn() {

  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    //strip.setBrightness(20*i + 30);
    periodFactor += fadeDelay;

void ledsOff() {
  for (int i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0);

void displayColor(uint32_t color) {
  for (int i = 0; i < N_PIXELS; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, color);

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
  // Serial.println(WheelPos);
  if (WheelPos < 85) {

    return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
  else if (WheelPos < 170) {
    WheelPos -= 85;
    return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
  else {
    WheelPos -= 170;
    return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);









  项目之二:音乐反应式 LED 灯板(4x4位)




  项目之二:音乐反应式 LED 灯板

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <math.h>
#define N_PIXELS  16
#define MIC_PIN   A0
#define LED_PIN    6
#define SAMPLE_WINDOW  4
#define PEAK_HANG 24
#define PEAK_FALL 4
#define INPUT_FLOOR 10
#define INPUT_CEILING 50
byte peak = 16;
unsigned int sample;

byte Count = 0;
byte HangCount = 0;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(N_PIXELS, LED_PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {

float fscale( float originalMin, float originalMax, float newBegin, float newEnd, float inputValue, float curve) {

  float OriginalRange = 0;
  float NewRange = 0;
  float zeroRefCurVal = 0;
  float normalizedCurVal = 0;
  float rangedValue = 0;
  boolean invFlag = 0;

  if (curve > 10) curve = 10;
  if (curve < -10) curve = -10;

  curve = (curve * -.1) ;
  curve = pow(10, curve);

  if (inputValue < originalMin) {
    inputValue = originalMin;
  if (inputValue > originalMax) {
    inputValue = originalMax;

  OriginalRange = originalMax - originalMin;

  if (newEnd > newBegin) {
    NewRange = newEnd - newBegin;
    NewRange = newBegin - newEnd;
    invFlag = 1;

  zeroRefCurVal = inputValue - originalMin;
  normalizedCurVal  =  zeroRefCurVal / OriginalRange;   // normalize to 0 - 1 float

  Serial.print(OriginalRange, DEC);
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.print(NewRange, DEC);
  Serial.print("   ");
  Serial.println(zeroRefCurVal, DEC);

  if (originalMin > originalMax ) {
    return 0;

  if (invFlag == 0) {
    rangedValue =  (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange) + newBegin;
    rangedValue =  newBegin - (pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * NewRange);
  return rangedValue;

void loop() {
  unsigned long startMillis = millis();
  float peakToPeak = 0;

  unsigned int signalMax = 0;
  unsigned int signalMin = 1023;
  unsigned int c, y;

  while (millis() - startMillis < SAMPLE_WINDOW)
    sample = analogRead(MIC_PIN);
    if (sample < 1024)
      if (sample > signalMax)
        signalMax = sample;
      else if (sample < signalMin)
        signalMin = sample;
  peakToPeak = signalMax - signalMin;

  for (int i = 0; i <= strip.numPixels() - 1; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(map(i, 0, strip.numPixels() - 1, 30, 150)));

  c = fscale(INPUT_FLOOR, INPUT_CEILING, strip.numPixels(), 0, peakToPeak, 2);

  if (c < peak) {
    peak = c;
    HangCount = 0;
  if (c <= strip.numPixels()) {
    drawLine(strip.numPixels(), strip.numPixels() - c, strip.Color(0, 0, 0));

  y = strip.numPixels() - peak;
  strip.setPixelColor(y - 1, Wheel(map(y, 0, strip.numPixels() - 1, 30, 150)));

  if (HangCount > PEAK_HANG) {
    if (++Count >= PEAK_FALL) {
      Count = 0;
  else {

void drawLine(uint8_t from, uint8_t to, uint32_t c) {
  uint8_t fromTemp;
  if (from > to) {
    fromTemp = from;
    from = to;
    to = fromTemp;
  for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
    strip.setPixelColor(i, c);

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
  if (WheelPos < 85) {
    return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
  else if (WheelPos < 170) {
    WheelPos -= 85;
    return strip.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
  else {
    WheelPos -= 170;
    return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);

 项目之二:音乐反应式 LED 灯板(4x4位)





icon 他的勋章